Saturday 8 December 2007

Anna Enriquez

This is a two for one special from Anna Enriquez from Tuscon, Arizona.

"My name is Anna.. I saw you started a website for Dash tattoos..Brilliant!
So here are my pictures and the stories behind them

The "Remember to Breathe" tattoo was my first Dash tat .... This has always been my favorite Dashboard song of all time. This is actually the first Song I ever heard from Dashboard. Something about the way he sang the song caught my attention and I had to hear every song I could get my hands on from them. And now I am a mega fan! I thought it only fitting to make it a permanent part of me so everyone can see.

My Trace the Scars to Fit the Pieces tattoo took a bit longer to decide on. I wanted to get something that was a tribute to Chris and his amazing ability to write and share part of himself with all of us... so the lyrics came to my mind first and then I thought of the signature inside the puzzle pieces would tie it all together.
Hope this helps out the site... I will be sure to check back when I get another!

Anna Enriquez"

Keep 'em coming people!

Stay safe x

1 comment:

Tintin said...

omgg, that tattoo is truly awesome